Hens For Sale
Black Maran Hens
They lay a very dark brown egg, average egg production...
Cheshire Hens
They lay a lovely blue egg, with egg production...
Bluebell Hens
Pretty Bluebells as the name says - lovely hen little docile ideal for...
Sussex Hens
Alert, but docile, these birds are incredibly tame...
Speckled/Coucou Hens
Modern hybrid from the Rhode Island Red family, good for Free...
High Elms Black/Black Rock Hens
Although a docile hen is it is very hardy and well proofed against...
White Leghorn Hens
One of the best egg layers, with a lovely white egg and producing in excess...
High Elms Brown Hens
This is the best egg layer around, laying up to...
High Elms Barred Rock Hens
A very good layer of eggs with an egg production of...
Redco Hens
A good natured hen, very easy going and very friendly, an attractive...
Road Rock
A very calm hen, very hardy but rewarding you with lots of...